Help for Henle

First and Second Year Latin

Henle Second Year Answer Key is formatted and up for 1st Semester! I also have 2nd Semester up by week. It's free here.

I'm keeping it free this year because I truly need to do a deep-dive proofread and simply haven't had time, and I don't want to sell a sub-par product. If you use it and find it helpful, I'm happy for any donations (@henleinahurry on PayPal and Venmo, or search by email 

The errata document in this same folder. Please add any mistakes you see to this document. I'll get notifications and will address them as soon as you send them to me.

Creating this guide averaged me 15 hours per week from September through April to complete. I am sure there are typos; if you find any mistakes or something is unclear, please email me. The errata document is in the same folder with the answer key.

My grammar and exercise walk-through videos are available here for free:

Lessons 1-5 Lessons 16-20 Lessons 30-42

Lessons 6-10 Lessons 21-25

Lessons 11-15 Lessons 26-29

The password for all the showcases is the same: henle1styear

I'll be working on Second Year Latin in the fall.

If you're looking for my verb video series, they are linked on my Learning Resources tab.

Vocabulary lists by week with pronunciation are available on my Quizlet page

(as well as other resources):

henleinahurry | Quizlet 

Hello! My name is Sarah Garner.

In addition to being a homeschool mom, co-op tutor, and teacher, I majored in Latin and Ancient Greek in college and have more than twenty years of experience teaching in every setting (homeschool and private school). Please look around my website to see all the resources I have available.

***Click any of the options below for more information.***

Recorded Classes in the Fall and Spring (Challenge A, B, I, and II)

These classes meet live on Zoom, but I record every class and post the link in a Google classroom if the live class time does not work for you. 

Classes for the remainder of the semester are pro-rated at $10/class.

Online Videos for Henle Lessons & Exercises

(Instruction and Full Exercise Walk-Throughs for Challenge A and B; Instruction Videos for Challenge 1 and 2)

The video purchase is a lifetime subscription. You can use it for all the applicable Challenge years for unlimited students with no need to re-subscribe each year.

Complete Answer Key with Explanations for Challenge A, B, and I (Challenge 2 is in progress)

My answer keys are organized by week according to the Challenge Guide for ease of use. They include all the assigned exercises and are unique in that I provide lengthy grammar instruction and explanations for many of the answers, telling you why the answers are the way they are.

You may also find me on Facebook as Henle in a Hurry.